The California Scholarship Federation, Inc. is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to recognize and encourage academic achievement and community service among middle and high school students in California. There are approximately 1500 chapters in middle school and high schools throughout the state.
Eligible students become members by submitting applications based on their report card grades. Membership is for one semester, and membership drives are held each semester within established periods dictated by the State bylaws.
Please be advised that Ms. Hernandez is the new El Segundo CSF chapter adviser.
To review qualifications for CSF membership, please review the document linked HERE.
If you are interested in joining CSF, please complete the new member application HERE.
If you have been a previous member of the El Segundo chapter, please fill out the CSF Life Member Form HERE. The Life Member Status form must be filled out each semester with your previous semester grades.
Please submit all documentation, as well as a copy of your previous report card, to Ms. Hernandez in the main office NO LATER THAN MONDAY, OCTOBER 2.
There is also a $15 payment per semester. When dropping off documentation, please bring cash or make a check payable to "El Segundo High School."
The CSF Standardized Course List is available HERE.
Please drop off all documentation and payment in the main office by the mailboxes, where there will be a box labeled CSF.
Please reach out directly to Ms. Hernandez if you have any questions or concerns (