Student Enrollment

2025-2026 Resident Enrollment - Upcoming School Year

Resident Enrollment for the 25-26 School Year opens 3/3/2025.

See the details below for the required documents.

Are you the parent/guardian of an incoming Transitional Kindergarten (TK) student?

Please note that children who will turn 4 by September 1, 2025 are eligible for Transitional Kindergarten.

The following documents will be required for enrollment:

Student's Birth Certificate
Student's Most Current Immunization Record - NOTE - If your child requires additional vaccinations prior to the start of the school year, please upload the most recent copy of your child's immunization record. An updated copy MUST be received before your student attends their first day of school.

CLICK HERE TO SEE PARENTS' GUIDE TO IMMUNIZATION - Please review because it may affect the student admission/enrollment status.

CLICK HERE TO SEE EXEMPTION REQUIREMENTS - Please review because it may affect the student admission/enrollment status.

Parent ID
Unofficial Transcript, if enrolling in 10-12th grade 

Homeowners are required to upload ALL of the following documents: 

1)   Original Grant Deed to the parent/guardian’s property

2)   Most Recent Property Tax Bill OR if you recently closed escrow; a copy of the Final Escrow Paperwork/Settlement Statement reflecting paid pro-rated taxes

3)   One (1) Current Utility Bill (gas, electric, cable or water only) with parent/guardian’s name, address OR if you recently moved in, an email verification of connection from One (1) of the following: gas, electric, cable or water service reflecting the student’s parent/guardian listed for the property

Renters are required to upload ALL of the following documents:

1)   Original Lease/Rental Agreement - ALL pages of the fully executed lease agreement and both parent/guardian name and address must appear on agreement as well as manager/owner name and current phone number. The agreement must also include the minor/children that reside at the said property. ESUSD may contact the management company to verify residency and require the management company to provide evidence of ownership of the property. In the event the rental property is not owned/operated by a management company/corporation, the owner of the property may be contacted to sign a Declaration under Penalty of Perjury indicating ownership of the property and validity of the lease.

2)   Current Proof of Rent Payment (i.e. - image of cancelled check, cashier’s check or rent receipt)

3)   One (1) Current Utility Bill (gas, electric, cable or water only) with parent/guardian’s name, address OR if you recently moved in, an email verification of connection from One (1) of the following: gas, electric, cable or water service reflecting the student’s parent/guardian listed for the property.

As we have moved to an online enrollment process, please be prepared to format and upload all applicable/required documents as separate PDF's on the link below. If you are unable to do so, there are lots of easy options available simply by searching "How to convert a JPEG to a PDF on your smartphone"  Please make sure your original images are clear and legible and you entered everything correctly spelled as this will be the start of your student's official record. Thank you!