**Back to School Night at ESHS** The program will begin with Period 0 and then a general assembly beginning at 5:45PM in the PAC (Auditorium). Please view the attached image for a detailed schedule! Families, we ask that you print out and/or take a screenshot of your child’s schedule from PowerSchool so that you know which classes to attend.
over 1 year ago, Alyssa Reyes
ESHS Back to School Night Flyer
*SAVE THE DATE* College Night! Date: Wednesday, October 18th, 2023 Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm Location: South Quad @ ESHS Featuring more than 30 colleges & universities participating in this event!
over 1 year ago, Alyssa Reyes
College Night flyer
El Segundo Little League Parade on September 10th! Starts at 12!
over 1 year ago, Alyssa Reyes
ESLL All-Stars Parade Flyer
ESHS Class of '78 45th Reunion September 30th Standard Station 5pm All classes welcome!
over 1 year ago, Alyssa Reyes
STEM internship opportunity for Juniors and Seniors! Last day to register is Sept. 18, 2023. Click the link for details and registration. There are also classes available for all grade levels. Take a look!
over 1 year ago, Alyssa Reyes
STEM Internship Flyer
**FOOTBALL TICKETS** Here is the link to the first home game (9/15) v. Hawthorne! https://gofan.co/event/1113928?schoolId=CA18813
over 1 year ago, Alyssa Reyes
2023-2024 BOYS SOCCER Boys Soccer tryouts for the 23-24 season will take place at Campus ES on the following dates: New Players Only: Aug 23-Aug 25 – Time: 3:45 – 5:30 New Players and F/S Boys Team: Aug 28-29 Time: 3:45 – 5:30 Any questions please contact Coach Kelley. Email: akelley@esusd.net
over 1 year ago, Alyssa Reyes
All current and incoming ESHS students interested in joining the Boys & Girls Water Polo Teams please contact Coach Nila Ward at ward.nila@gmail.com No experience necessary, but some swimming ability is helpful. Water polo is a fun, dynamic, full-contact sport played at our beautiful new aquatics center in El Segundo. El Segundo has a rich history of success in water polo, coming off of consecutive league championships on both the boys and girls sides, and a CIF Championship for the girls in 2022. We are looking for new students to join our teams & continue the legacy! Boys season will start practices on August 17th, & is a fall sport. Girls season is a winter sport, but will start training part time in the fall. Everyone is welcome to join- please reach out to us soon! GO EAGLES!
almost 2 years ago, Alyssa Reyes
Water Polo Information
**ESHS Boys Golf Tryouts**Current ESHS students (June 1, 2, 5) and incoming ESHS students June 12th. Please see flyers below for more information!
almost 2 years ago, Alyssa Reyes
Golf Flyer for Current Students
Golf Flyer for Incoming Students
**Yearbook Distribution** Students must bring their ID. Pick up in the library. See schedule below: May 31 at lunch-Seniors June 1 at lunch-Juniors June 2 at lunch-Sophomores and Freshmen
almost 2 years ago, Alyssa Reyes
Yearbook Distribution Info
*ESHS Girls Tennis 2023 Info meeting @ 5pm via Zoom* ON CAMPUS MEETING FOR CURRENT HS PLAYERS - Lunch @ E102 Tuesday, May 23. ZOOM MEETING FOR INCOMING STUDENTS/PARENTS or THOSE WHO CANNOT MEET AT LUNCH Zoom Meeting Link for May 23, 2023 @ 5pm. Topic: Tennis Meeting Time: May 23, 2023 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://elsegundousd.zoom.us/j/83027105318pwd=dVp6bmc5K1ViR0o1amsyMnljWmlEQT09 Meeting ID: 830 2710 5318 Passcode: eshstennis Questions? bmaye@esusd.net
almost 2 years ago, Alyssa Reyes
**Summer Field & Track Speed Camp** Hey Eagles, If you are interested in attending a summer speed camp, please see attached image. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Head Track and Field Coach, Jessica Davis (jdavis@esusd.net).
almost 2 years ago, Alyssa Reyes
Track & Field Speed Camp Information
**Senior Finals** TUESDAY, MAY 30 – FRIDAY, JUNE 2 (4th period) FINAL EXAMS: Seniors will take final exams. There will be no special schedule; exams will be given during regular class time. ALL senior finals must be done by 4th period on Friday! Locker clean-out will need to be done by the end of day June 2nd
almost 2 years ago, Alyssa Reyes
**ESHS Boys Basketball Tryouts**May 30 - June 2nd in the South Gym. Register by scanning the QR code in the attached flyer. Good luck, Eagles!
almost 2 years ago, Alyssa Reyes
ESHS Boys Basketball Tryout Info
Future Leaders, Link Crew is taking your applications for next year! You have years worth of valuable knowledge and experience to share with somebody who was basically you just a short time ago… Come show our incoming freshman how it’s really done at El Segundo! By Friday, 5/26: Sign in with your school email, follow the link below, and then keep an eye out for the news… We’ll see you soon! Your ESHS LinkCrew WE ARE… EAGLES! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeeTWVx78oRhbEnz3fC_lins72fTLMqCOku-hCw9fIN8m_UbA/viewform
almost 2 years ago, Alyssa Reyes
*El Segundo Cross Country* Push yourself further than you’ve ever imagined by joining ESHS XC! Endurance, speed, team bonding, friends, and FUN! Parent/Runner Information Session May 18th! Where: El Segundo High School Library When: 6:30 pm (5/18/2023) Contact: No need to RSVP – direct any questions to eshsxc.alecharrell@gmail.com
almost 2 years ago, Alyssa Reyes
Join the ESHS Choir! Any student interested, see Ms. Summers at snack in the Little Theatre or email her at gsummers@esusd.net
almost 2 years ago, Alyssa Reyes
Choir 2023-2024
Any current Sophomore or Junior students interested in being a student athletic trainer next season, please contact Coach Shevlin, or Athletic Trainer, Erica De Leon at edeleon@esusd.net or please stop by during 6th period or afterschool to the Athletic Training room for more information.
almost 2 years ago, Alyssa Reyes
Sports Medicine Athletic Training
El Segundo High School Summer Credit Recovery Sign Ups! ESHS will host credit recovery courses via APEX this summer. Credit recovery is offered to current ESHS students who have earned a D or F in one of their core academic classes. This three week summer program will run from Monday, June 26th to Monday, July 17th Monday - Thursday (8:30am - 12:30pm) Location: ESHS and/or Virtual Because space is limited, enrollment in the courses will be determined on a first come, first served basis, based on completion of a Google Survey form. https://bit.ly/eshsSummerCreditRecovery To sign up, complete and submit this form no later than Monday, May 1, 2023
almost 2 years ago, Alyssa Reyes
**CLASS of 2023** El Segundo High School awards the State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB) to 12th grade students at graduation who have demonstrated proficiency in both English and another language. Please see below for eligibility criteria. Transcripts and test scores will be verified by Mrs. Reyes, Assistant Principal, and Mrs. Mendoza, Registrar. Please complete this form that you are qualified to earn and wish to apply for a Seal of Biliteracy no later than Friday, April 28th, 2023 at 3:30pm. (https://bit.ly/eshsSealofBilteracy23) No need to turn in any paperwork. You will receive a confirmation email after Mrs. Reyes and Mrs. Mendoza review your transcripts and test scores. Eligibility Criteria for a Student Whose Primary Language is English: *Each of these three academic requirements shall be fulfilled. Students must have completed all English–language arts (ELA) requirements for graduation with an overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or above in those classes. Students must have passed the CAASPP/SBAC at the “Standard Met” level in the English Language Arts (ELA) set for native English speakers administered in grade eleven. Students must demonstrate proficiency in one or more languages in addition to English, demonstrated through one of the following methods: Pass a foreign language Advanced Placement (AP) exam, including American Sign Language, with a score of three or higher. Pass an International Baccalaureate examination with a score of four or higher. Successfully complete a four-year high school course of study in a foreign language and attain an overall grade point average of 3.0 or above in that course of study. Eligibility Criteria for a Student Whose Primary Language is not English: If the primary language of a student in grades nine to twelve, inclusive, is other than English, the student shall also meet the following two academic requirements: Achieve Early Advanced proficiency level on the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC), which may be administered an additional time, as necessary. Meet the requirements above as stated in 1, 2, and 3.
almost 2 years ago, Alyssa Reyes
CA State Seal Flyer