Archived COVID 19 Communications

Visit this page to revisit COVID 19 related announcements from previous year.

Board of Education Passes Emergency Resolution in Support of Superintendent's Declaration of Emergency Arising from the Spread of Coronavirus - COVID 19

The attached Declaration and Resolution authorizes to the Superintendent to take emergency actions in response to the rapidly changing situation relating to COVID 19. With these actions the Superintendent is able to take steps, such as altering the instructional delivery model, school hours, and staffing decisions on an emergency basis.

Below are the links to all the communications from ESUSD that have been distributed via email to parents, staff, and community members related to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak.

ESUSD Email Contact List

Communication Updates

Resource Links:

Individual and Family Preparedness (from the CDC and LA County Public Health):

Being prepared for the spread of COVID-1 is similar to being prepared for earthquakes, fire, etc. Preparedness includes:

  • Having enough food and water available at home in the event you are sick. 

  • Having a communication plan. 

  • Identifying your healthcare provider and how to contact their office. 

  • In the event a person is sick and thinks there may have been exposure to COVID-19, they should not go to the emergency room unless they are experiencing an actual emergency. Instead, they should call their healthcare provider first before going to the doctor.  

  • CDC Interim Guidance: Get your Household Ready for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)