District Goals
Process for establishing the ESUSD Goals for our Future 2020-2024
The ESUSD Governing Team, consisting of the Board of Education and Superintendent, met in January 2020 during Board workshops to develop long-term goals for the future of the school district. Information that was considered during this process included the items below. The Board adopted The Guiding Principles within the Goals for the Future 2020-2024 document on January 14, 2020.
ESUSD Graduate Profile
Mission Statement
Data gathered from the Superintendent’s Research
Accomplishments of Qualitative and Quantitative
Local Control Accountability Plan/Local Control Funding Formula
Board members’ input and expertise
Data and feedback gathered from stakeholders
At the Board of Education meeting June 9, the ESUSD Superintendent recommended changes related to student equity to the Board of Education’s Guiding Principles and Goals for the Future 2020-2024. The Board of Education and Superintendent engaged in discussion regarding the appropriate next steps and the Board provided input to further strengthen the goals. The final document reflects the collective input of the entire governing team of El Segundo Unified School District.
On June 23, the ESUSD Superintendent presented the recommended revisions to the ESUSD Goals for the Future 2020-2024 and Core Values to address disparities that affect historically marginalized groups. The Board adopted the revised version of the Goals for the Future 2020-2024 document at its June 23, 2020 meeting.