Awards and Achievements 2020-2021

What a Difference a Year Makes…ESUSD Significant Accomplishments 2020-2021
El Segundo Unified School District (ESUSD)
Swiftly responded to the COVID-19 pandemic that resulted in school closures and served as a leader within Los Angeles County as an example of how to successfully reopen childcare and elementary and secondary schools while ensuring no COVID-19 community transmission on campus.
Successfully applied and was awarded elementary waivers for both elementary schools Out of 80 school districts in Los Angeles County, ESUSD was one of the first five who successfully reopened hybrid school for TK-2nd grade students in December 2020.
Successfully partnered with the City of El Segundo and Beach Cities Health District for employee vaccinations.
Successfully welcomed two new members to the Board of Education.
Successfully selected as one of ten American school district team from the League of Innovative Schools to participate with five members of the Global Cities Education Network to study and implement best practices to improve Social Emotional Learning Systems and culminating in a New Zealand Study Tour.
Successfully selected as one of 15 school districts to participate in a pilot project regarding Open Educational Resources at the middle school through the League of Innovative Schools.
Featured article regarding reopening schools the El Segundo Scene March 2021 issue.
Issued $33 Million dollars in Series B Bonds to begin Phase 2 Measure ES bond projects
Held ribbon-cutting ceremony for El Segundo Middle School Administration Modernization Project
El Segundo High School:
Successfully recognized as a US News & World Report Best High School 2021:
Top 4% in the Nation
Top 7% in California
Top 12% in Los Angeles County
Successfully recognized as a California Distinguished School 2021
Successfully recognized partnership between UCLA and Bio-Medical Pathway in the UCLA Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine Journal
Successfully partnered with the City of El Segundo to host Masquerade on Main Street for our Seniors
ESUSD is proud of our students!
El Segundo High School Senior Gideon Telahun is one of thirty 2021 Edison Scholars and will receive a $40,000 college scholarship in a STEM field.
El Segundo High School Senior Dalia Ramirez was selected to participate in Boeing’s STEM Signing Day.
Multiple El Segundo Middle School musicians were recognized for their virtual performances and talents.