The following forms are commonly used for personnel related actions:
Application for Approval of Course Credit for Salary Advancement
Classified - Request for Job Reclassification
Employee Evaluation Forms (see Evaluations page)
Grievance Forms (see Collective Bargaining page)
Leave of Absence Request Form
This form is to be used for all types of leave requests, including paid and unpaid leaves.
Name Change Form - Classified Employees
Classified employees must submit this form along with an original Social Security card with your new name in order to update personnel records.
Name Change Form - Certificated Employees
This form must be submitted directly to the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE). This is necessary to avoid any interruptions or complications with processing employee pay. After submitting to LACOE, provide a copy of the Name Change Form to the ESUSD Office of Human Resources with an original Social Security card with your new name in order to update personnel records.
Pre-Designation of Personal Physician
In the event that an employee is injured at work and wishes to seek treatment from their personal physician, this form must be on file with the Office of Human Resources in advance of the injury. Please note that your physician must sign the document. Some doctors will not treat injuries under workers compensation programs.
Request for Parental Leave Form (also requires Leave of Absence Request Form)
Request for Personal Necessity Leave (PN/PC) - Certificated Employees
Request for Personal Necessity Leave (PN/PC) - Classified Employees
Resignation or Retirement (see Resignations and Retirements page)
Vacation Request Form - Classified Employees
Work Injury / Workers Compensation Forms (see Injured at Work? page)
Absence Management (Formerly Aesop) - Absence Reporting and Sub Requests
Commission on Teacher Credentialing (External Website) Link opens in a new window
Employee Assistance Program (External Website - CVT) Link opens in a new window
Employee Assistance Service for Education (EASE)
Injury, Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
South Bay Teacher Induction Program
Student Teaching and University Fieldwork / Practicum