Health Benefits - Management and Confidential

Benefits Committee Update
El Segundo Unified School District takes pride in offering a benefits program that provides flexibility for the diverse and changing needs of our employees. The School district offers employees and their family members a full range of benefits. You may choose the options that best meet your needs. Beginning October 1, 2024, the district will cover up to $12,350.00 towards your benefits for full time employees.

2024-25 Benefit Program Open Enrollment
The Open Enrollment period is from August 21 - September 22, 2024.  As an El Segundo U.S.D. employee, you may use this Open Enrollment period as an opportunity to make changes to your current medical, dental, vision and life insurance elections. All employees must renew or enroll annually even if there are no changes.  

CVT Online Enrollment
For the 2024-2025 school year Open Enrollment for Management and Confidential Staff will continue to be done online through MyCVT. To access the enrollment platform please click here (Please register an account and select El Segundo Unified as your school district and Management as your employee type if you haven't done so already.) You can use the planning form** below to help make your selections.

Required Forms (Submit to Marni/Payroll)

  1. **2024-25 ESUSD Benefits Planning Form - Mgmt,Confidential

  2. For New Employees or Changes to Dependents (CVT Form)

  3. For Full-Time Employees Opting out of Medical Benefits

  4. For New Kaiser Enrollments

  5. For New Blue Shield HMO Enrollments

  6. For New Life Insurance Enrollments

  7. For Employees paying out of pocket for Benefits (Pre/Post-Tax Selection)

If you have any questions, please contact our Payroll and Benefits Technician at (310) 615-2650 Ext. 1522 or by email at

Additional Benefits Documents to Fill

Benefit Plan Information