Internet Safety

​Internet safety is important to all children in the district. Students learn appropriate use of technology in their classes through their use of online tools like Seesaw, Altitude Learning, Schoology, and Google Drive. Internet safety does not end at school. It is important that all parents discuss safe practices when using the Internet. The following resources are helpful in educating parents about being safe and responsible when using the Internet.

  • Common Sense Media – (Questions) This resource provides multiple areas of support to parents and students including reviews of games, apps, movies, books, etc… and common parent questions about media.

  • Google Safety Center – As a parent or guardian, you know what feels right for your family and how your kids learn best. To help your family navigate through new technologies, gadgets, and services in an ever-changing online world, it helps to get practical advice.

  • Healthy Children (Time) from the American Academy of Pediatrics – This resource assists families to work together to balance their time online. An online tool is provided to support a family discussion about time online.

  • iKeepSafe: BEaPRO – (Balance) This resource is an overview of all the aspects of the session with some additional details.

School Web Filtering

El Segundo Unified School District takes the filtering of student instructional devices seriously. This involves participation from parents to the district administration. At a district level, the filtering system is strong, constantly monitored, and updated accordingly. Teachers and school site staff have a process to inform the IT department to report any issues on Chromebooks, iPads, and the internet. At the start of the school year, parents and students review and sign a Responsible Use agreement. In addition to the internet filtering system, the best filters are our teachers and parents

Home Filtering

Many wireless routers feature parental control and filtering options. To check if your current router has these features, review the product manual that came with the router or search the web for your router model to find directions for enabling.

The district has also implemented our Web Filter that provides an extra level of filtering for Chromebooks and iPads when students are on or off campus.