Social Emotional Learning
In the El Segundo Unified School District, student well-being is a top priority. All school sites implement various Social Emotional Learning programs and curricula in order to empower students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to manage emotions and foster meaningful, caring relationships with others. You can learn about various programs through each of the school's websites.
In addition, ESUSD is proud to be a RULER Schools District, utilizing the research-validated RULER approach from Yale University. More information is below.
As parents are the most critical player in the development of these skills, the following are resources our community has found valuable.
The RULER approach uses a comprehensive set of skills and tools for students aimed at creating a more effective and compassionate society. Find out more by clinking the link above.
El Segundo Families Connected
This new partnership provides a one-stop shop for proven, vetted resources on student well being. Connect with local events and speakers around the South Bay presenting on wellness topics. Access high quality articles and parenting tips.
Parent Toolkit
This resource covers multiple aspects of child development from preschool age to post-high school. Articles and features include ways to support students in their academic, social, emotional, and personal growth. It also offers resources for developing financial literacy.
Collaborative for Academic, Social & Emotional Learning
CASEL provides broad information about key competencies in Social Emotional Learning and includes resources and models for program development. It also features SEL 101 for parents in this video.
A Parent's Guide to Social Emotional Learning
This resource from Edutopia includes topics such as Encouraging Kindness and Empathy, Raising Kind Kids, and cultivating a growth mindset that encourages resilience.