Transforming Education for a Changing World

December 22, 2023

Dear ESUSD Community,

It is hard to believe Winter Recess is upon us. It’s a time for reflection, connection, and anticipation, and we are thrilled to share a few important updates and some holiday cheer with you.

Safety Update

The safety and well-being of our students and staff remain our top priorities. We know that open communication is key to maintaining a safe school environment, so the theme of See Something, Say Something cannot be overemphasized enough and must be paired with the fact that timeliness is key. We all share in the responsibility to keep our children safe.

Following the lock-down at ESHS that took place on Friday, December 15, Principal Steve Gebhart immediately put into practice the ESUSD commitment to the ongoing cycle of improvement by circling his team, District administrators and myself, to meet with faculty to seek feedback regarding the lockdown and student release processes. I commend Principal Gebhart and his team for using this opportunity to examine and further refine our internal processes and procedures, which will further strengthen our actions related to future matters, even as we hope that the need for lockdowns are few and far between.  

ESUSD remains vigilant in our commitment to safety and will continue to work closely with El Segundo Police Department (ESPD) to ensure the well-being of our entire school community. Principal Steve Gebhart, Marisa Janicek, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services and I participated in an Executive Debriefing meeting with Chief Jaime Bermudez and Captains. It was time to reflect upon the sequence of events, ask questions of one another, examine processes, further clarify roles of school administration and law enforcement, and build upon our collaboration moving forward in times of a crisis. I am grateful for the effective communication, commitment and dedication of Chief Bermudez and ESPD.

ESUSD and Artificial Intelligence

On December 4, ESUSD kicked off its Artificial Intelligence (AI) Leadership and Literacy Initiative. Board members, administrators, faculty, parents and students attended the event. A webpage is being developed and will include the PowerPoint from the December 4 kick-off, frequently asked questions document and other resources. You can access an introductory video here. An (AI)dvisory Committee of educators has met and will actively be providing valuable input from their perspectives to assist us further in safe AI implementation in practices.

Parents, community members, faculty and students are invited to join the ESUSD Leadership Team for one of three AI focus group sessions. The evening will include a brief presentation, followed by small group table talks for various stakeholder groups to provide input on  our four essential questions. Middle school students who are 13 or older and high school students are encouraged to attend.

ESUSD looks forward to your engagement as the information gathered from the three focus group sessions will be used to further inform the Board of Education in crafting a policy for responsible AI usage in the future. Please plan to attend any one of the sessions:

·       Wednesday, January 17 at 6:00 pm                    El Segundo High School Library

·       Tuesday, January 30 at 6:00 pm                         El Segundo Middle School Bulldog Hall

·       Thursday, February 8 at 6:00 pm                        Center Street School Cafeteria

ESUSD in partnership with EdSAFE AI Alliance, is proud to announce the establishment of a new AI Policy Lab. The lab will be focused on fostering safe and ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI) in educational settings, and part of a nationwide network of similar policy initiatives, including the New York City Public Schools AI Policy Lab. ESUSD’s AI Policy Lab is designed as a collaborative, interdisciplinary partnership that encourages responsible AI development, deployment, and usage.

The national network – led by the EdSAFE AI Alliance – aims at addressing the challenges and embracing the opportunities arising from the rapid introduction of AI in education. The network is comprised of 12 districts throughout the country who have come together to develop a "policy stack" - including acceptable use policies, parent communication and consent policies, and professional development resources for their districts.

California Dashboard Release

On December 15, California Department of Education released the California Dashboard data for 2023. I am pleased to share that ESUSD received the top rankings as a school district in both English Language Arts and Mathematics. Students in third through eighth grade and eleventh grade participate in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress annually and these scores are what the Dashboard reflects.

Holiday Spirit and Hope for the New Year

The holiday season is a special time when we come together to celebrate the warmth of togetherness, the spirit of giving, and the joy that fills our hearts. As the superintendent of this extraordinary school district, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for serving this very special community alongside a talented staff. Our teachers have continued to inspire and guide our students, instilling in them a love for learning and the confidence to overcome challenges. Special thanks to our performing arts teachers that thoughtfully prepared our students for numerous Fall and Winter performances, whether it was a play, concert, halftime performance or parade. The support staff has also tirelessly worked behind the scenes to create a safe and nurturing environment, contributing towards every child feeling seen, heard, valued and supported. Parents and guardians, your partnership with us in your child's education is invaluable, and we are grateful for the trust you place in our hands.

As we look forward to welcoming staff and students back to school on Monday, January 8, let us also continue to foster a culture of collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity in the New Year. May this holiday season bring you moments to rest, rejuvenate, and reflect on the positive impact you've had on the lives of our students. Together, let’s launch into 2024 inspired to create an environment that empowers our students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Wishing you and your families a festive holiday season filled with the joy of shared moments.

Warmest regards,

Melissa Moore, Ed.D.
El Segundo Unified School District