The Board of Education of the El Segundo Unified School District is seeking qualified, interested individuals to serve on a committee of community leaders which will serve as the Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee (“COC”) for the implementation of the District’s Measure ES school facilities bond program.  There are three open positions to replace outgoing members. Applicants must be 18 years of age, a resident of the El Segundo Unified School District, and may not be employed by the El Segundo Unified School District.

We are currently seeking four members from the following groups:

  • Representative of a tax paying organization

  • Representative who is a parent in a parent/teacher organization

  • Community at large representative (2 positions)

Proposition 39 Bond Election

On November 6, 2018, voters residing within the El Segundo Unified School District passed Measure ES.  Measure ES is a $ $92,000,000 bond measure that authorizes funding for needed repairs, upgrades, and new construction projects to the district’s schools.

Establishment of a Citizens’ Oversight Committee 

After a bond authorized under Proposition 39 is passed, State law requires that the El Segundo Unified School District Board appoint an Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee to work with the district.

Committee Responsibilities

In accordance with Education Code Section 15278(b), the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee shall:

  • Inform the public concerning the district’s expenditure of Measure ES bond proceeds.

  • Review expenditure reports produced by the district to ensure that Measure ES and bond proceeds were expended only for the purposes set forth in Measures ES; and

  • Present to the Board in public session, an annual written report outlining their activities and conclusions regarding the expenditure of Measure ES bond proceeds.

If you are interested in applying, please visit the district website at to access the application or pick up an application from the district office at 614 Sheldon St. El Segundo, CA 90245.  Applications are due by 4 p.m. March 14, 2025.