The next Center Street School PTA is Wednesday, October 19, at 9:30 a.m.! The meeting will take place in the CSS Library. Learn more and see how you can get involved:
about 2 years ago, ESUSD News
pta meeting october 19
The October El Segundo Middle School PTSA meeting is tonight at 7:00 p.m.! Learn more about the school’s PTSA:
about 2 years ago, ESUSD News
ptsa meeting esms
Check out the summary of the October 11 Board of Education meeting!
about 2 years ago, ESUSD News
Check out the summary of the September 27 Board of Education meeting! Read more:
about 2 years ago, ESUSD News
Check out the summary of the September 13, 2022 Board of Education meeting! Read more:
about 2 years ago, ESUSD News
ESUSD Educational Opportunities Form is available. ESUSD recommends and encourages all families who might benefit from opportunities provided through the Educational Opportunities Household Income Data Collection Form submit a form to the district. Qualifying students are eligible for more programming than just meals at no cost. Other potential benefits include: TLC at reduced or no cost for the 2022-23 school year, waiver of college application fees when using the Common App, no college application fees for up to six UC and CSUs, AP test fees waived, fees for standardized tests like the SAT and ACT waived, Wi-Fi devices for home access, discounts on energy bills, pandemic EBT (information in link). The information on this form is confidential. Form can be found here:
over 2 years ago, Kimberlie Linz
Parents: ESUSD would like to thank everyone for their input on the Panorama surveys distributed by our school sites. Our district committees are seeking just a bit more information to inform ESUSD’s 2022-23 planning and we request your further input on a brief survey at the link below, if you haven’t responded yet. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, El Segundo USD
Board of Education Dr. Monahan and Dr. Moore enjoy Center Street fifth grade promotion program.
over 2 years ago, El Segundo USD
Board of Education Dr. Monahan and Dr. Moore in front of center street for a ceremony
Congratulations to El Segundo Middle School’s 8th grade students on your promotion to high school! Enjoy this time celebrating your achievements with family and friends.
over 2 years ago, El Segundo USD
way to go bulldogs "now its time to fly" banner on a fence