COVID 19 Coronavirus Update

ESUSD Superintendent Melissa Moore distributed this message via email to parents, ESUSD employees and the community on 01/08/21.

January 8, 2021

Dear ESUSD Families and Community,

On the weekly Superintendents’ conference call yesterday, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) representatives shared a new recommendation to school districts to limit in-person activities to essential services such as meal distribution, testing and assessment and essential services for students and shift all non-essential services to distance learning. The remarks made in that meeting were a recommendation and not a public health order; DPH has not ordered schools to close as they required in 2020. The school district is awaiting the release of the written recommendation from LACDPH on this issue for further clarification in order to allow the Board of Education to make an informed decision. At this time, each district retains the authority to make a local decision regarding the recommendation.

At the Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, January 12th, at 5:00 pm, district administrators and I will provide the Board an update on TK-2nd grade hybrid school and share any further information the district receives regarding the DPH recommendation. The Board of Education will have an opportunity to thoroughly discuss the matter, ask questions and decide whether or not to act in response to the recommendation at that time.

For now, all in-person instruction services for students such as TK-2nd grade hybrid school, existing small high-needs cohorts, high school athletic conditioning pods and The Learning Connection (TLC) childcare program will remain operational pending any action by the Board.

The district will continue to enforce the safety protocols and practices that have protected our community since TLC reopened in August 2020.

Thank you for your continued patience, understanding and compliance with this ever-evolving situation.

With gratitude that we are in this together,

Melissa Moore, Ed.D. 

El Segundo Unified School District